• Research Interests

  • Academic Appointments

  • Prizes and awards

  • Biography

  • Teaching

  • Key Publications

    Soft Interface Material & Device:

    1) Soft Interface Probes and Devices for Imaging & Sensing Applications

    2) Integrated Soft Interface Devices for Disease Diagnosis & Treatment

    3) Soft Interface Materials and Devices for Energy Storage & Conversion

  • Executive Committee Member, Australia-China Association of Scientists and Entrepreneurs

  • Committee Member, Chinese Association of Professionals and Scholars, Australia

  • Honorary President, Student Club of Fudan-The Royal Society of Chemistry

  • Vice President, Professional Committee of World External Treatment Technology

  • The Vice-Chancellor's Commendation for Doctoral Thesis Excellence, Monash University, Australia, 2016

  • The Mayor's Award of Youth Development and Innovation, Shanghai, 2015  

  • The Academic Star in Victoria, Melbourne, Australia, 2015

  • Top-Grade Award of BAOSTEEL Education Foundation, 2014

  • Grand Prize, Dow Sustainability Innovation Student Challenge Award, 2013

  • Scholarship Award for Excellent Doctoral Student, Ministry of Education, China, 2012

  • Scientific and Technical First-prize Award of CAIA, China, 2011

  • 2016.12-        Professor, Department of Chemistry, Fudan University

  • 2016.02-2016.12   Post-Doctoral Fellow, Department of Material Science and Engineering, Stanford University

  • 2015.05-2016.01   Research Fellow, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, The University of Melbourne

  • 2012.09-2015.05   Ph.D., Department of Chemical Engineering, Monash University & Department of Chemistry, Fudan University

  • 2013.01-2015.12   Joint Member, Innovation Center, The Collaborative Innovation Center of Chemistry for Energy Materials, 2011-Program, CHINA

  • Soft Material & Device Engineering

  1. Q. Liang, Y. Huang, Y. Guo, X. Zhang, X. Hu, H. Zeng, K. Liang, D. Zhao, L. Jiang, B. Kong*, Smart and Sensitive Osmosis-Powered Device for Efficient and Sustainable Hydrogen Generation, Nature Sustainability, 2024, 7, 628–639.

  2. M. Yan, Q. Chen, T. Liu, X. Li, P. Pei, L. Zhou, S. Zhou, R. Zhang, K. Liang, J. Dong, X. Wei, J. Wang, O. Terasaki, P. Chen, Z. Gu, L. Jiang, B. Kong*, Site-Selective Superassembly of Biomimetic Nanorobots Enabling Deep Penetration into Tumor with Stiff Stroma, Nature Commun., 2023,14, 4628

  3. Y. Yang, S. Zhou, Z. Lv, C. Hung, Z. Zhao, T. Zhao, D. Chao, B. Kong*, D. Zhao*, Unipolar Ionic Diode Nanofluidic Membranes Enabled by Stepped Mesochannels for Enhanced Salinity Gradient Energy Harvesting, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2024, 146(28),19580–19589

  4. M. Yan, T. Liu, X. Li, S. Zhou, H. Zeng, Q. Liang, K. Liang, X. Wei, J. Wang, Z. Gu, L. Jiang, D. Zhao, B. Kong*, Soft Patch Interface-Oriented Super-Assembly of Complex Hollow Nanoarchitectures for Smart Dual-Responsive Nanospacecrafts, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2022, 144, 17, 7778–7789

  5. L. Xie, M. Yan, T. Liu, K. Gong, X. Luo, B. Qiu, J. Zeng, Q. Liang, S. Zhou, Y. He, W. Zhang, Y. Jian, Y. Yu, J. Tang, K. Liang, D. Zhao, B. Kong*, Kinetics-Controlled Interfacially Super-Assembled Asymmetric Porous Hollow Carbon Nanoparticles as Smart Light-Activated Nanovehicles, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2022, 144(4), 1634

  6. Y. Huang, H. Zeng, L. Xie, R. Gao, S. Zhou, Q. Liang, X. Zhang, K. Liang, L. Jiang, B. Kong*, Super-Assembled Chiral Mesostructured Hetero-membranes for Smart and Sensitive Couple-Accelerated Enantioseparation, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2022, 144, 17, 7778–7789.

  7. L. Xie, S. Zhou, J. Liu, B. Qiu, T. Liu, Q. Liang, X. Zheng, B. Li, J. Zeng, M. Yan, Y. He, X. Zhang, H. Zeng, D. Ma, P. Chen, K. Liang, L. Jiang, Y. Wang*, D. Zhao*, B. Kong*, Sequential Superassembly of Nanofiber Arrays to Carbonaceous Ordered Mesoporous Nanowires and Their Heterostructure Membranes for Osmotic Energy Conversion, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2021, 143(18), 6922

  8. A. Awati, R. Yang, T. Shi, S. Zhou, X. Zhang, H. Zeng, Y. Lv, K. Liang, L. Xie*, D. Zhu*, M. Liu*, B. Kong*, Interfacial Super-Assembly of Vacancy Engineered Ultrathin-Nanosheets toward Nanochannels for Smart Ion Transport and Salinity Gradient Power Conversion, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2024, 63, e202407491.

  9. L. Xie, T. Liu, Y. He, J. Zeng, W. Zhang, Q. Liang, Z. Huang, J. Tang, K. Liang, L. Jiang, O. Terasaki, D. Zhao, B. Kong*, Kinetics-Regulated  Interfacial Selective Superassembly of Asymmetric Smart Nanovehicles with Tailored Topological Hollow Architectures, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2022, 61, e202200240

  10. S. Zhou, L. Xie, X. Li, L. Zhang, Q. Liang, M. Yan, J. Zeng, B. Qiu, T. Liu, J. Tang, L. Wen, L. Jiang, B. Kong*, Interfacial Super-Assembly of Ordered Mesoporous Carbon-Silica/AAO Hybrid Membrane with Enhanced Permselectivity for Temperature- and pH-Regulated Smart Ion Transport, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2021, 60, 26167–26176.

Address: Chemistry Building, Department of Chemistry, Fudan University
2005 Songhu Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai 200438, China  Tel: 86-21-31242791
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