FANG Caiyun
  • Research Interests

  • Academic Appointments

  • Prizes and awards

  • Biography

  • Teaching

  • Key Publications

  • I am interested in the proteomic methodologies and disease proteomics. Recently, I am working on the development of new methods and technologies for protein translational modifications, and quantitative proteomic analysis of infectious diseases.

  • 07/2005-        Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, Fudan University

  • 2009-2012      Department of Physiology, UCLA, Visiting Assistant Researcher

  • 2002-2005      Fudan University, Shanghai, P.R. China, Ph.D.

  • 1999-2002      Central South University of Technology, Hunan, P.R. China, M.S.

  • 1995-1999      Central South University of Technology, Hunan, P. R. China, B.S.

  • Analytical Chemistry,

  • Experiments in inorganic and analytical chemistry

  1. Shen, Yuan#; Zheng, Liangliang#; Fang, Caiyun#; Xu, Yaoyao; Wang, Chao; Li, Jintao; Lei, Mingzhu; Yin, Miao; Lu, Haojie*; Lei, Qunying*; Qu, Jia*; ABHD7-mediated depalmitoylation of lamin A promotes myoblast differentiation, Cell Reports, 2024, 43: 113720.

  2. Wu, Roujun; Ji, Guanghui; Chen, Weiyu; Zhang, Lei; Fang, Caiyun*; Lu, Haojie*; Simultaneous and site-specific profiling of heterogeneity and turnover in protein S-acylation by intact S-acylated peptides analysis with a cleavable bioorthogonal tag, Analyst, 2024, 149(4): 1111-1120.

  3. Ji, Guanghui, Wu, Roujun; Zhang, Lei; Yao, Jun; Zhang, Cheng; Zhang, Xiaoqin; Liu, Zhiyong; Liu, Yang; Wang, Ting; Fang, Caiyun*; Lu, Haojie*; Global analysis of endogenously intact Sacylated peptides reveals localization differentiation of heterogeneous lipid chains in mammalian cells, Analytical Chemistry, 2023, 95: 13055-13063.

  4. Fang, Caiyun*; Zhang, Xiaoqin; Lu, Haojie*; Quantification of protein palmitoylation by cysteine-SILAC, Chapter 5 in SILAC Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology (Springer Protocols), 2023 (ISBN978-1-0716-2862-1), Humana Press.

  5. Chen, Weiyu; Ji, Guanghui; Wu, Roujun; Fang, Caiyun*; Lu, Haojie*; Mass spectrometry-based candidate substrate and site identification of PTM enzymes, Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 2023, 160: 116991.

  6. Wu, Linlin; Fei, Weiwei; Liu, Zhiyong; Zhang, Lei; Fang, Caiyun*; Lu, Haojie*; Specific and Reversible Enrichment of Early-Stage Glycated Proteome Based on Thiazolidine Chemistry and Palladium-Mediated Cleavage, Analytical Chemistry, 2022, 94(13): 5213-5220.

  7. Fang, Caiyun; Lu, Haojie; Clinical Applications, Chapter 6 in Mass Spectrometry–Based Glycoproteomics and Its Clinic Application, 2021, CRC Press.

  8. Du, Xiaoxian; Lu, Jingtian; Yang, Lijun; Bao, Huimin; Zhang, Lei; Yan, Guoquan; Fang, Caiyun*; Lu, Haojie*; Rapid and Easy Enrichment Strategy for Naturally Acetylated N Termini Based on LysN Digestion and Amine-Reactive Resin Capture, Analytical Chemistry, 2020, 92(12): 8315-8322.

  9. Zhang, Xiaoqin; Zhang, Yuting; Fang, Caiyun*; Zhang, Lei; Yang, Pengyuan; Wang, Changchun*; Lu, Haojie*; Ultra-deep palmitoylomics enabled by a dithiodipyridine functionalized magnetic nanoparticles, Analytical Chemistry, 2018, 90(10): 6161-6168. 

  10. Zhang, Xiaoqin; Zhang, Lei; Ji, Guanghui; Lei, Qunying; Fang, Caiyun*; Lu, Haojie*; Site-Specific Quantification of Protein Palmitoylation by Cysteine-Stable Isotope Metabolic Labeling, Analytical Chemistry, 2018, 90(17): 10543-10550.

Address: Chemistry Building, Department of Chemistry, Fudan University
2005 Songhu Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai 200438, China  Tel: 86-21-31242791
   Copyright © Department of chemistry, Fudan University 2014     Support:WeiCheng