Focus News
Themed Issue of Chem. Sci.: Near-infrared Luminescent Probes for Bioimaging and Biosensing

Royal Society of CHEMISTRY invited Prof. Fan Zhang and Prof. Ben Zhong Tang to organize the Chemical Science themed issue on Near-infrared luminescent probes for bioimaging and biosensing.

Near-infrared (NIR) fluorescence imaging (wavelength range: 650–1700 nm) is one of the remarkable imaging modalities for improved bioimaging and biosensing in both fundamental research and clinical applications, owing to its high spatiotemporal resolution and noninvasiveness. It has been a growing research topic for decades and will continue to flourish in the coming years. In this themed issue, selected studies focused on NIR bioimaging and biosensing published in Chemical Science in the past 18 months have been collected. Through this themed issue, we aim to call on the research community to strengthen cooperation with scientists among diverse research fields, such as chemistry, biology and biomedicine.