


报告人:苏育德  教授


报告时间:202162 (周三) 上午10:00





1. Su, Y.,Liu, C., Brittman, S., Tang, J., Fu, A., Kornienko, N., Kong, Q. & Yang, P.* “Single-nanowire photoelectrochemistry”, Nature Nanotechnology 11, 609-612 (2016)

2. Su, Y., Cestellos-Blanco, S., Kim, J. M., Shen, Y-x., Kong, Q., Lu, D., Liu, C., Zhang, H., Cao, Y. & Yang, P.* “Close-packed nanowire-bacteria hybrids for efficient solar driven CO2 fixation”, Joule 4, 800-811 (2020)

3. Su, Y., McCuskey, S.,Leifert, D., Moreland, A. S., Zhou, L., Llanes, L. C., Vazquez, R. J., Sepunaru, L.* &Bazan, G. C.* “A living biotic-abiotic composite that can switch function between current generation and electrochemical energy storage”, Advanced Functional Materials 31, 2007351(2020)

4.Liu, C. & Su, Y.* “De novo approach to encapsulating biocatalysts into synthetic matrixes: from enzymes to microbial electrocatalysts”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (2021)

5.McCuskey, S., Su, Y., Leifert, D., Moreland, A. S., &Bazan, G. C.* “Living bioelectrochemical composites”, Advanced Materials 32, 1908178 (2020)

6. Deng, J., Su, Y., Liu, D., Yang, P.*, Liu, B.* & Liu, C.* “Nanowire photoelectrochemistry”, Chemical Reviews 119, 9221-9259 (2019)