


In this talk, I will begin with some critical assessments on the current approaches of microfluidics and organ-on-a chip approaches. Then, I will describe our strategy and methods toward future applications, including artificial basement membrane made of specific extracellular matrix proteins, microfluidic devices for tissue and organoid integration, and automated culture platform for long-term human pluripotent stem cell differentiation. Afterward, I will give a few examples of bio-mimicking models we are working on (cardiomyocytes, alveolus, neurons,and cerebral cortex) to illustrate the high potential of this approach for both  fundamental research and advanced applications. Finally, I will present our efforts and progresses on filtration based liquid biopsy of cancer or circulation tumor cells toward large scale applications.


报告人:陈勇  教授,法国巴黎高师

法国国家科研中心一级主任研究员,巴黎高师微流控实验室主任。1982年武汉大学物理系毕业,1986年获蒙彼利埃大学博士学位后依次在意大利比萨高师、北京大学物理学院、法国国家科研中心微结构与微电子实验室、法国国家科研中心纳米与光子实验室及巴黎高师化学系工作。曾任巴黎高师教授(2003-2008))、北京大学长江讲座教授(2006-2008)、日本京都大学特聘教授(2008-2018)、香港理工大学讲座教授(2007- 2012)、江汉大学楚天学者等。先后在半导体量子结构和微腔、纳米制造、近场光学、光子晶体、纳米磁学、高密存储、微流控芯片技术、细胞微环 境仿真、多能干细胞器件、生物医疗检测及再生医学等领域从事研究工作并发表SCI论文400多篇及专利30余项。




邀请人:刘宝红  教授