(6.11)Old Stagnant Technology Becoming Hot Technology:


Old Stagnant Technology  Becoming Hot Technology:

Electroplating Advanced Functional Materials


Nosang V. Myung

Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering

University of California-Riverside

Riverside, CA 92521


报告时间:2019年6月11日 (周二) 下午3:00





The ever-increasing demands for faster, smaller and less expensive systems have resulted in the development of a novel, cost-effective processes.  Electrochemical processes including electrodeposition, and anodizing meet the needs of emerging technology.  It is one of the easiest and most versatile solution-based synthesis techniques that can be used in a cost-effective and scalable manner. It typically operated near ambient conditions and able to synthesize various materials including metals, metal oxides, conductive polymers and semiconductors.  Precise control over the dimensions, composition, morphology, and degree of crystallinity can be achieved by varying electrodeposition parameters, such as the applied potential, electrolyte concentration, temperature, agitation, and additives. Additionally, the non-equilibrium reaction makes it possible to synthesize stoichiometric or non-stoichiometric materials easily without changing other aspects of the material properties. In this presentation, applications of electroplated materials including thermoelectrics, biological and chemical sensor arrays will be discussed.