(12.27)Mass Spectrometric Study of Electrochemistry and Organometallic Chemistry


报告题目:Mass Spectrometric Study of Electrochemistry and Organometallic Chemistry


Electrochemistry coupled with mass spectrometry (EC/MS) is a powerful means for identifying the products or intermediates of electrochemical reactions, which is not only useful for redox reaction mechanism elucidation but also leads to valuable applications in proteomics. The versatility of EC/MS stems from two facts. First, MS can serve as a sensitive and general detector for investigating electrolytic products of proteins. In addition, tandem MS analysis can be used for structural determination based on ion dissociation. Second, electrochemical conversion can improve analyte ionization efficiency or provide desired modification to the analyte prior to MS analysis. Attracted by the complementary nature of these two techniques, the marriage of EC and MS appears quite attractive. In this talk, I will focus on the development of electrochemical mass spectrometry using ambient ionization methods such as desorption electrospray ionization (DESI) and its applications for proteomics study. The study of organometallic reaction mechanism using mass spectrometry will also be presented.


报告人:Prof. Hao Chen

Department of Chemistry and Environmental Science

New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)

Hao Chen graduated from Wuhan University in 1996 and obtained a master degree from Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry before finishing his Ph.D. degree from Purdue University in 2005. He spent his sabbatical leave at Prof. Richard N. Zare’s lab at Stanford University and also a visiting professor to assist Prof. Zare for his satellite lab construction at Fudan University. He is currently a professor in chemistry at New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT). Dr. Chen performs research on organic and biological mass spectrometry for bioanalysis and instrument development and has published over 100 papers in peer-reviewed journals.





邀请人:乔亮  研究员