(10.19)New Electrode and Solid Electrolyte Materials for next generation of batteries


报告题目:New Electrode and Solid Electrolyte Materials for next generation of batteries

报告人:Prof. Dominique Guyomard.

Institut des Matériaux Jean Rouxel (IMN), Université de Nantes, France

Dominique Guyomard is Director of Research Exceptional Class at French CNRS, and the head of the “Electrochemical Energy Storage and Transformation Lab” (EEST) at the Institut des Materiaux Jean Rouxel at Nantes (France), about 50 scientists including 19 staff members. His team gathers activities on rechargeable batteries, on supercapacitors, on high temperature fuels cells, and on advanced spectroscopies. His expertise deals with solid state electrochemistry, material science and surface science, applied to the fields of Li-ion, Li metal polymer, Li-S and Na batteries, in collaboration with several industrial companies.
  He is President of the IBA, and member of the ECS Battery Division Executive Committee. Recently, he received the 2007 IBA Research Award, the 2008 French Academy of Science Award for Science transfer to Industry, the 2010 ECS Battery Research Award, the 2016 ECS Battery Technology Award, and the 2018 IBA President Service Award. He is co-inventor of 34 patents and co-author of more than 340 publications including 248 peer-reviewed articles.

Recent developments in our Lab at IMN will be shared on advanced electrode and solid electrolyte materials for next-generation energy storage systems such as Li-ion, Li metal solid-state, and lost cost renewable batteries. Our recent activity deals with the development of new materials, the design of high power and long cycle life electrodes, the design of solid electrolytes, the comprehension of reaction and end-of-life mechanisms, and characterization and modification of electrode/electrolyte

时间:2018-10-19, 15:00

