(11.19)Cross-linking Mass Spectrometry for Interactomics and Structural Biology


报告题目:Cross-linking Mass Spectrometry for Interactomics and Structural Biology


Cross-linking mass spectrometry (XL-MS) have become a powerful structural tool for mapping protein-protein interactions (PPIs) and elucidating architectures of large protein complexes. In comparison to standard structural methods, XL-MS approaches offer distinct advantages due to speed, accuracy, sensitivity and versatility, especially for the study of heterogeneous and dynamic protein complexes. Despite its great potential, XL-MS analysis remains challenging due to the difficulty in unambiguous identification of cross-linked peptides. Here, we will describe the development of a series of sulfoxide-containing MS-cleavable cross-linking reagents (e.g. disuccinimidyl sulfoxide (DSSO)) for simplified and accurate identification of cross-linked peptides1,2. In addition, their applications in structural analysis of protein complexes will be presented. The analytical methods described here represent technological advancement in studying PPIs in vitro and in vivo. Ref 1. Kao, A. et, al. MCP, 2011; 2. Yu, C. et al, Anal. Chem. 2018.


报告人:Prof. Lan Huang

School of Medicine, University of California, Irvine

Lan Huang is Professor of Physiology & Biophysics in School of Medicine, University of California, Irvine. Her research focuses on developing novel, integrated mass spectrometry-based proteomic strategies to characterize dynamic proteomes of macromolecular protein complexes and understand their functions, particularly those in the ubiquitin-proteasome system.  Her group has developed novel approaches to study interaction and structural dynamics of protein complexes in living cells, and cross-linking strategies to facilitate MS characterization of protein structures, which have been successfully applied to delineate proteasomal biology.  Dr. Huang has co-authored 112 peer-reviewed papers and holds patents for new cross-linking reagents. She has been on the editorial board of Molecular & Cellular Proteomics (MCP) since 2007 and serves as ad hoc reviewer for various journals and funding agencies. Currently, she is a regular member for NIH grant study session and serves on committees for ASMS, US HUPO, ASBMB and CASMS organizations. She has co-organized multiple international conferences, and is currently one of the three co-organizers for 2019 Sanibel conference on cross-linking mass spectrometry and covalent labeling.





邀请人:乔亮 研究员