(6.15)Guanine Quadruplexes in Therapeutics, Nanotechnology & Biotechnology


Guanine Quadruplexes in Therapeutics, Nanotechnology & Biotechnology


报告人:Dr. Fangwei Shao (邵昉伟)

Assistant Professor, Division of Chemistry and Biological Chemistry, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore


Guanine quadruplexes (GQ) as the major family of quadruplex DNA/RNA normally contain multiple layers of G-tetrads, that are assembled by G-rich nucleic acids via Hoogsteen H-bonds. The unique structure and sequence significance of G-quadruplexes make them a family of promising nanostructures as therapeutic targets and biomaterial. We take advantage of the rich structural topology of GQ folding sequences and developed several series of Pt(II) and Ru(II) complexes that show high stabilizing ability on G-quadruplexes against duplex DNA. By varying the coordination geometry and ligand structures, specific targeting to GQ topological structures can be readily achieved, and provides a promising approach to develop disease specific therapeutics and theranostic reagents. We further discovered that the extensive aromatic area and strong π-electron coupling of G-tetrad stacks endow G-quadruplexes high electron conductivity and make them excellent electric nanowire. By using GQ nanowire as host scaffold and electron transfer medium for metal catalysts, we showed that electrochemical reduction of CO2 achieved high efficiency and metal-dependent product selectivity. Finally, due to robust structure and rapid response to exogenous stimuli, we used G-quadruplex and another tetraplex structure, i-motif, as molecular scaffold to guide the self-assembly of fluorophores, nanoparticles and dendritic DNA. The resulting Au nanocluster or DNA nanohydrogels showed the promising potentials as nano-vesicles for subcellular bioimaging, biosensing and drug delivery.



