(6.13)Single-Molecule Studies of Protein Conformational Dynamics



Single-Molecule Studies of Protein Conformational Dynamics


报告人:Prof. Haw Yang

Chemistry Department, Princeton University


Proteins are remarkable molecular machines capable of carrying out complicated tasks amid the ubiquitous thermal noise. In this presentation, we sketch the state-of-the-art high-resolution time-dependent single-molecule measurements—photon-by-photon spectroscopy enabled by rigorous statistical analysis where information carried by each detected photon is explicitly taken into account. Using these new tools, we show how a protein is able to utilize stochastic motions to accomplish its function. Specifically, we show how the venerable “induced-fit” model for protein-substrate interaction should be revised, how Mycobacterium tuberculosis has evolved to insert novel structural motifs to prolong its virulence, and the discovery of a compound molecular logic from a single small protein. If time permits, we will also discuss the next challenges in protein dynamics and possible approaches to overcoming them.



