Exhalomics” - Real-time Medical Deagnosis using Ambient Ionization Mass Spectrometry


报告题目:Exhalomics”-Real-time Medical Deagnosis using Ambient Ionization Mass Spectrometry


人:Prof. Dr. Renato Zenobi

           ETH Zürich, Switzerland


报告时间:201765日下午2:00 (星期一)



人:乔亮   研究员


报告人:Prof. Dr. Renato Zenobi, ETH Zürich, Switzerland

    Renato Zenobi is Professor of Analytical Chemistry at the Organic Chemistry Laboratory at ETH Zurich. He was chairman of the Organic Chemistry Laboratory in 2002-2003 and 2011-2012, served as the president of ETH’s university assembly (Hochschulversammlung, HV) from 2006 – 2008, and of the lecturer’s conference (Konferenz des Lehrkörpers, KdL) at ETH Zurich 2006 - 2010. Zenobi was a visiting professor at the Barnett Institute (Boston) in 2004/2005, and at the Institut Curie (Paris) in 2010. In 2010 he was appointed Associate Editor of Analytical Chemistry (American Chemical Society). He has chaired the 2014 International Mass Spectrometry Conference in Geneva, Switzerland.

    Prof. Dr. Renato Zenobi has received many awards for his scientific work, including the Thomas Hirschfeld Award (1989), an Andrew Mellon Fellowship (1990), the Ruzicka Prize (1993), the Heinrich Emanuel Merck-Prize (1998), the Redwood Lectureship from the Royal Society of Chemistry (2005), the Michael Widmer Award (2006), a honorary Professorship at East China Institute of Technology (2007), the Schulich Graduate Lectureship (2009), a honorary membership of the Israel Chemical Society (2009), honorary professorships at the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Changchun), at Hunan University, and at Changchun University of Chinese Medicine (2010), the Mayent-Rothschild Fellowship (Institut Curie, Paris; 2010), the Fresenius Lectureship from the German Chemical Society (2012), the Thomson Medal (International Mass Spectrometry Foundation, 2014), the RUSNANO prize (2014), and the Fresenius Prize (German Chemical Society, 2015).


        Exhaled breath contains relevant information on a person’s health status. Our vision is to use real-time and completely non-invasive chemical analysis of exhaled breath for applications such as medical diagnosis, monitoring progress and treatment of diseases, drug compliance, pharmacokinetics, and others. The methodology we use to analyze breath in real time is based on secondary electrospray ionization coupled to high-resolution mass spectrometry (SESI-HRMS). It affords ppb-ppt limits of detection, and analysis of compounds with molecular weights up to 1000 Da.

    A number of interesting questions can now be addressed via on-line mass spectrometric analysis of exhaled breath: is there a core pattern for individual phenotypes visible in mass spectrometric “breathprints”? Can diurnal changes be monitored via exhaled breath?  Can diseases be diagnosed via exhaled breath, and if yes, which ones?  Can proper drug use (or drug abuse) be detected via analysis of the chemical composition of exhaled breath? This presentation will focus on several examples in medical diagnosis, including the detection of novel biomarkers for diseases such as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) [1], chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) [2,3], and others. Monitoring of drug compliance and pharmacokinetics [4] via real-time SESI-MS will also be shown.


[1] E.I. Schwarz et al., Thorax 71 (2016) 110-117.

[2] P. Martinez-Lozano Sinues, L. Meier, C. Berchtold, N. Sievi, G. Camen, M. Kohler, and R. Zenobi, Respiration 87 (2014) 301-310

[3] L. Bregy et al., Thorax (submitted, Nov. 2016).

[4] X. Li et al., Angew. Chem. 127 (2015) 7926-7929.