Fudan Academic Positions(2013.1.1)

        Fudan University seeks applicants at the Assistant Professor (tenure track) level for faculty positions in the Department of Chemistry. Of particular interest are persons with background in biochemistry, inorganic chemistry, and organic chemistry. However, creative and energetic individuals who show extraordinary promise or accomplishment in any area will be considered. We require a PhD in Chemistry or a closely related discipline, and post-doctoral experience is desirable. Fudan University, located in the city of Shanghai, is one of the most prestigious universities in China. The positions include excellent startup package and comprehensive benefits. To apply, please send curriculum vitae, detailed statements of research, and names and addresses of three references to chemhr@fudan.edu.cn. Major startup funding will be from the China "National 1000 Plan" (Youth Program, www.1000plan.org), and the application to the program will be submitted with Fudan University as the host University.

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