Xin Xu

Physical Chemistry


Room A3023, Chemistry Building, Department of Chemistry, Fudan University 2005 Songhu Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai 200438, China


Research Interests

  • Theoretical study on quantum chemistry, focusing on quantum chemistry methods (development of new density functionals and linear scaling methods) and computational chemistry (including surface chemistry, molecular self-assembly, biological chemistry, nanometer chemistry, chemical dynamics, mechanism spectral property of homogenous and heterogeneous catalytic reactions)

Academic Appointments

  • 2010-, Distinguished professor of Fudan University

  • 2006-2010, Lu-Jia-Xi Chair professor of Xiamen University

  • 1996-2003, Professor, Deputy director, State Key Lab of Physical Chemistry on Solid Surfaces, China

  • 2004-, Guest Professor, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

  • 1998-2002, Committee Member of the Chinese Chemical Society

  • 2009-, Committee Member of Theoretical Chemistry, the Chinese Chemical Society

  • 2013-, Committee Member of Chemical Dynamics and Kinetics, the Chinese Chemical Society

  • 2003-, Professor, Member of Academic Committee, State Key Lab of Physical Chemistry on Solid Surfaces, China

  • 2010-, Member of Academic Committee, MOE Laboratory for Computational Physical Science

  • 2011-, Member of Academic Committee, Synfuels China

  • 2009-, Editorial Committee Member of Acta Physico- Chimica Sinica

  • 2010-, Editorial Committee Member of Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics (CJCP)

  • 2012-, Editorial Committee Member of Chinese Journal of Chemistry (Huaxue Xuebao)

Prizes and awards

  • 1995, Outstanding Young Chemists of 1995, Issued by Chemical Society of China

  • 1998, Reward Fund from Fok Ying Tung Foundation

  • 2000, Reward Fund from State Education Commission of China for Outstanding Young Professors in Chinese Universities

  • 2006-2009, Reward Fund from National Natural Science Foundation for Outstanding Young Scientists

  • 2006-2010, Ming-Jiang Scholar of Fujian province.


  • 2010.5-present, Professor, Department of Chemistry, Fudan University, China.

  • 2000.3-2003.2, Visiting Associate at California Institute of Technology, USA.

  • 1995.7-8; 1995.11-1996.3; 1996.9-9; 1999.2-4; 1999.10-12; 2003.12-12; Visiting Professor of Kyoto University, Japan.

  • 1995.12-2010.05, Professor, Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University, China.

  • 1993.06-1995.11, Associated professor, Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University, China

  • 1991.06 - 1993.06, Post-doctoral fellowship, Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter, Academia Sinica

  • 1985.09 - 1991.06, Xiamen University, Dr.Sc. degree

  • 1981.09 - 1985.06, Xiamen University, B.Sc. degree


  • Physical Chemistry A I

Key Publications

  • Neil Qiang Su, Xin Xu,* Construction of a parameter-free doubly hybrid density functional from adiabatic connection, J. Chem. Phys., 140 (2014) 18A512/1-15. (Invited contribution for DFT50)

  • Neil Qiang Su, I. Y. Zhang, X. Xu,* ‘Analytic derivatives for the XYG3 type of doubly hybrid density functionals: Theory, implementation, and assessment’, J. Comput. Chem., 34(2013)1759-1774.

  • Wenping Guo, Anan Wu, Igor Ying Zhang, and Xin Xu*, XO: An Extended ONIOM Method for Accurate and Efficient Modeling of Large Systems, J. Comput. Chem.,33(2012), 2142(Cover Paper)

  • Igor Ying Zhang, Xin Xu*, Yousung Jung*, and William A. Goddard III*, ‘A fast doubly hybrid density functional method close to chemical accuracy: XYGJ-OS’, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 108(2011), 19896–19900

  • Igor Ying Zhang, Xin Xu*, Doubly hybrid density functional for accurate description of thermochemistry, thermochemical kinetics and nonbonded interactions, Int. Rev. Phys. Chem., 30(2011), 115-160 (Invited Review)

  • L. Rao, Q Cui*, Xin Xu*, Electronic properties and desolvation penalties of metal ions plus protein electrostatics dictate the metal binding affinity and selectivity in the Copper efflux Regulator (CueR), J. Am. Chem. Soc. 132(2010), 18092–18102

  • Igor Ying Zhang, Jianming Wu, Xin Xu*, Extending the reliability and applicability of B3LYP, Chem. Comm. 46(2010) 3057 (Feature Article)

  • Jianming Wu, Xin Xu*, ‘The X1 Method for Accurate and Efficient Prediction of Heats of Formation’, J. Chem. Phys., 127(2007)214105-214113.

  • Gang Fu, Xin Xu*, Xin Lu, Huilin Wan*, Mechanisms of methane activation and transformation on molybdenum oxide based catalysts, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 127 (2005) 3989

  • Xin Xu, and William A. Goddard III*, The X3LYP Extended density functional for accurate descriptions of nonbond interactions (London forces, electrostatics, and hydrogen bonding), spin states, and thermochemical properties, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 101 (2004) 2673