Linping Qian

Physical Chemistry

Associate Professor

Laboratory of Advanced Materials, Jiangwan Campus of Fudan University

Research Interests

  • Surface Property of Solid materials for adsorption and catalysis

  • Homogeneous catalysis (metal cluster catalysis)

  • Selective oxidation

  • Electroreduction of carbon dioxide and nitrogen

Academic Appointments

  • Member of Chemical Society of China

  • Member of Chicago Catalysis Club

Prizes and awards

  • 2015, Promotion Program of Shanghai Municipal Education Commission

  • 2017, Ten Excellent Research Group of Fudan University

  • 2018, Shanghai Pujiang Program of Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality

  • 2018, Second Prize for Teaching Award of Shanghai Municipal Education Commission

  • 2020, Dow Innovation Challenge Award

  • 2023, First Prize for 18 th“Challenge Cup” Shanghai College Student Curricular Academic Science and Technology Works Competition

  • 2023, Second Prize for 18 th “Challenge Cup” National College Student Curricular Academic Science and Technology Works Competition


  • 1996.9-2000.6BSc, Department of Chemistry, Fudan University

  • 2002.9-2005.6Graduate, Department of Chemistry, Fudan University

  • 2005.9-2011.6PhD, Department of Chemistry, Fudan University

  • 2014.10-2016.9     Postdoctor, Northwestern University (USA)

  • 2000.4-Professor, Department of Chemistry, Fudan University


  • General Chemistry, General Chemistry Experiments, Organic Chemistry Experiments, Physical Chemistry Experiments

Key Publications

  • Bowen Wu, Yixi Chen, Mingtai Liu, Yi Tang, Gengfeng Zheng, Linping Qian*, Surface properties of CoMg/Al2O3 catalysts evaluated in aerobic oxidation of p-cresolMol. Catal. (SCI 5.09)553 (2024) 113790

  • Zhengzheng Liu, Jinyuan Cao, Bowen Wu, Linping Qian*, Anxiang Guan, Chao Yang,   Ximeng Lv, Lijuan Zhang, and Gengfeng Zheng*(通讯) Surface Energy Tunning on Cu/NC Catalysts for CO Electroreduction, ACS Catal. (SCI 13.70) 2022, 12, 1255-12562  

  • Guan A.X.#, Yang C.#, Wang Q.H., Qian L.P.*, Cao J.Y., Zhang L.J., Wu L.M., Zheng G.F.*, Atomic-level copper sites for selective CO2 electroreduction to hydrocarbon, ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng.,  (SCI 9.22)  9 (2021) 13536

  • Wang Q.H., Peng J., Zhou L.Y., Tang T., Li S., Chen H.Y., Wang H.T., Zheng G.F., Yang X.H.*, Qian L.P.*, Influence of surface property of CaCO3 fillers on apparent viscosity of filled polydimethylsiloxane, Colloids Surf. A Physicochem. Eng. Aspects., (SCI 5.52)  626 (2021) 127044

  • Wang Z.J.#, Li T.F.#, Wang Q.H., Guan A.X., Cao N., M. Al-Enizi A., Zhang L.J., Qian L.P.*, Zheng G.F.*, Hydrophobically Made Ag Nanoclusters with Enhanced Performance for CO2 Aqueous Electroreduction, J. Power Sources, (SCI 9.79)476 (2020) 228705

  • Yuan D., Huang L.S., Ding Y., Zhang L.J.*, Qian L.P.*, Zheng G.F., Chlorine-doped carbon for electrocatalytic nitrogen reduction, Mol. Catal. (SCI 5.09) 492 (2020) 111029

  • Gu X.L., Qian L.P.*, Zheng G.F.*, Photoelectrochemical CO2 reduction to syngas by a ZnO-CdS-Cu nanocomposite, Mol. Catal.,  (SCI 5.09)492 (2020) 110953

  • Qian L.P.*, Zheng G.F.*, Recent advances of metal nanoclusters for aerobic oxidation, Mater. Nano Today (SCI 8.11) 11 (2020) 10080

  • Wang Z.J., Guan A.X., Kung M.C., Peng A.Y., Kung H.H., Lv X.M., Zheng G.F., Qian L.P.*,In situ formed Co clusters in selective oxidation of alpha-C-H bond: Stabilizing effect from reactants, Mol. Catal. (SCI 5.09)470 (2019) 1

  • Qian L.P.*, Huang K.X., Wang H.T.*, Kung M.C., Kung H.H., Li J., Chen G.P., Du Q.G., Evaluation of the catalytic surface of Ni Impregnated- meso-microporous silica KIT-6 in CH4 dry reforming by inverse gas chromatography Micro. Meso. Mater. (SCI 5.87) 241 (2017) 1

  • Qian L.P.#, Wang Z.#, Evgeny V. Beletskiy, Liu J., Haroldo J. dos Santos, Li T., Maria do C. Rangel, Kung Mayfair C., Kung Harold H.*, Stable, Solubilized Active Au Atom Clusters for Selective Epoxidation of Cis-Cyclooctene with Molecular Oxygen Nat. Commun.  (SCI 17.69) 8 (2017) 14881  

  • Qian L.P.*, Cai W.J., Zhang L., Ye L., Li J., Tang M., Yue B*, He H.Y.*, The promotion effect of hydrogen spillover on CH4 reforming with CO2 over Rh/MCF catalysts,Appl. Catal. B: Environ., (SCI 24.32) 164 (2015) 168  

  • Qian L.P.*, Ma Z., Ren Y., Shi H.C., Yue B., Feng S.J., Shen J.Z., Xie S.H., Investigation of La promotion mechanism on Ni/SBA-15 catalysts in CH4 reforming with CO2 Fuel,  (SCI 8.04), 122 (2014) 47