Weixing Li

Physical Chemistry

Tenure-track Professor


A3039 Department of Chemistry (Jiangwan Campus)



Research Interests

  • Rotational spectroscopy

  • Nuclear quantum tunneling in molecular clusters

  • Cluster Chemistry

  • Astrochemistry and interstellar chemistry

  • atmospheric chemistry

  • Microwave spectroscopy R&D


  • 2014.11-2017.10   PhD, Department of Chemistry “Giacomo Ciamician”, University of Bologna

  • 2017.1-2017.4   Visiting scholar, Department of Physical Chemistry, University of the Basque Country

  • 2017.11-2018.10   Postdoctoral researcher, Department of Chemistry “Giacomo Ciamician”, University of Bologna

  • 2018.11-2021.2   Postdoctoral researcher, Photon Science FS-SMP, Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron DESY

  • 2021.2-   Tenure-track Professor, Department of Chemistry, Fudan University

Key Publications

  • W. Li*, C. Pérez, A. L. Steber, M. Schnell*, D. Lv, G. Wang, X. Zeng, M. Zhou*. Evolution of Solute–Water Interactions in the Benzaldehyde-(H2O)1–6 Clusters by Rotational Spectroscopy. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 145, 4119-4128 (2023).

  • D. Lv, W. Li*, L. Evangelisti*, I. Usabiaga, C. Calabrese, A. Maris, S. Melandri*, G. Wang, M. Zhou*. Rotational spectroscopy probes lone pair···π-hole interactions in hexafluorobenzene-tertiary alkylamines complexes. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 14, 5335-5342 (2023).

  • W. Li*, D. S. Tikhonov, M. Schnell*, Double proton transfer across a table: the formic acid dimer– fluorobenzene complex. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 60, 25674-25679 (2021).

  • W. Li, M. M. Quesada-Moreno, P. Pinacho, M. Schnell*. Unlocking the water trimer loop: isotopic study of benzophenone-(H2O)1-3 clusters with rotational spectroscopy. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 60, 5323-5330 (2021).

  • W. Li, L. Evangelisti, Q. Gou, W. Caminati*, R. Meyer. The barrier to proton transfer in the dimer of formic acid: a pure rotational study. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 58, 859-865 (2019).

  • C. Calabrese#, W. Li#, G. Prampolini, L. Evangelisti, I. Uriarte, I. Cacelli, S. Melandri, E. J. Cocinero*. A general treatment to study molecular complexes stabilized by hydrogen-, halogen-, and carbon-bond networks: experiment and theory of (CH2F2)n⋅⋅⋅(H2O)m. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 58, 8437-8442 (2019).

  • W. Li, L. Spada*, Ni. Tasinato*, S. Rampino, L. Evangelisti, A. Gualandi, P. G. Cozzi, S. Melandri, V. Barone, C. Puzzarini*. Theory meets experiment for noncovalent complexes: the puzzling case of pnicogen interactions. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 57, 13853-13857 (2018).

  • W. Li, S. Melandri, L. Evangelisti, C. Calabrese, A. Vigorito, A. Maris*. Characterizing hydrogen and tetrel bonds in clusters of CO2 with carboxylic acids. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 23, 16915-16922 (2021).

  • W. Li, A. Maris, C. Calabrese, I. Usabiaga, W. D. Geppert*, L. Evangelisti, S. Melandri*. Atmospherically relevant acrolein–water complexes: spectroscopic evidence of aldehyde hydration and oxygen atom exchange. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 21, 23559-23566 (2019).

  • L. Spada, I. Uriarte, W. Li*, L. Evangelisti, E. J. Cocinero, W. Caminatia*. Interactions between azines and alcohols: a rotational study of pyridine - tert-butyl alcohol. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 21, 3545-3549 (2019).