Physical Chemistry
Room A2010, Chemistry Building, Department of Chemistry, Fudan University 2005 Songhu Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai 200438, China
Solid acidbased catalysis, e.g. solid superacids and ethanol to propylene
Dehydrogenation of light alkanes with CO2 to light alkenes
Environmental catalysis, e.g. removal of N2O
First Prize in Science and Technology Progress Award of Shanghai Municipality (2003)
First Prize in Teaching Achievement Award of Shanghai Higher Education (2013)
2005.09-2009.06 B.Sc/B.Eng, School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Tianjin University
2009.09-2014.06 PhD, Department of Chemistry, Fudan University
2014.06-2016.12 Post-doctoral, Labrary of Advanced Materials, Fudan University
2017.01-2018.12 Assistant research fellow, Department of Chemistry, Fudan University
2019.01-2022.12 Associate Research Fellow, Department of Chemistry, Fudan University
2023.01-now Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, Fudan University
General Chemistry(For undergraduate students)
Novel Catalytic Materials(For graduate students)
YJ Luo, CX Miao*, YH Yue, WM Hua*, Z Gao, ZnO supported on Silicalite-1 as an efficient catalyst for isobutane dehydrogenation to isobutene assisted by CO2, Micropor. Mesopor. Mater., 294 (2020) 109864.
YJ Luo, CX Miao*, YH Yue, WM Yang, WM Hua*, Z Gao, Chromium oxide supported on Silicalite-1 zeolite as a novel efficient catalyst for dehydrogenation of isobutane assisted by CO2, Catalysts, 9 (2019) 1040.
FQ Xue, CX Miao*, YH Yue, WM Hua*, Z Gao, Sc2O3-promoted composite of In2O3 and Beta zeolite for direct conversion of bio-ethanol to propylene, Fuel Process. Technol., 186 (2019) 110.
FQ Xue, CX Miao*, YH Yue, WM Hua*, Z Gao, Direct conversion of bio-ethanol to propylene in high yield over the composite of In2O3 and zeolite beta, Green Chem., 19 (2017) 5582.
CY Huang, Z Ma*, CX Miao*, YH Yue, WM Hua*, Z Gao, Catalytic decomposition of N2O over Rh/Zn–Al2O3 catalysts, RSC Adv., 7 (2017) 4243.
CY Huang, YX Jiang, Z Ma*, PF Xie, Y Lin, T Meng, CX Miao*, YH Yue, WM Hua*, Z Gao, Correlation among preparation methods/conditions, physicochemical properties, and catalytic performance of Rh/hydroxyapatite catalysts in N2O decomposition, J. Mol. Catal. A, 420 (2016) 73.
PF Xie, YJ Luo, Z Ma*, CY Huang, CX Miao*, YH Yue, WM Hua*, Z Gao, Catalytic decomposition of N2O over Fe-ZSM-11 catalysts prepared by different methods: Nature of active Fe species, J. Catal., 330 (2015) 311.
PF Xie, YJ Luo, Z Ma*, LY Wang, CY Huang, YH Yue, WM Hua*, Z Gao, CoZSM-11 catalysts for N2O decomposition: Effect of preparation methods and nature of active sites, Appl. Catal. B, 170 (2015) 34.
X Xu, T Liu, PF Xie, YH Yue, CX Miao*, WM Hua*, Z Gao, Enhanced catalytic performance over Fe2O3-doped Pt/SO42-/ZrO2 in n-heptane hydroisomerization, Catal. Commun., 54 (2014) 77.
PF Xie, Z Ma*, HB Zhou, CY Huang, YH Yue, W Shen, HL Xu, WM Hua*, Z Gao, Catalytic decomposition of N2O over Cu-ZSM-11 catalysts, Micropor. Mesopor. Mater., 191 (2014) 112.