Myongsoo LEE

Organic Chemistry


Room A7002, Chemistry Building, Department of Chemistry, Fudan University 2005 Songhu Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai 200438, China


Research Interests

  • Synthetic Self-Assembling Systems

  • Organic Nanostructured Materials

  • Bioactive Peptide Assembly

  • Dynamic Supramolecular Systems

  • Chemical Reactions in Nanospace

Academic Appointments

  • Macromol. Res. (2006- 2011)

  • Chem. Asian J. (2006-2012)  

  • J. Polym. Sci.; Polym. Chem. (2008- )

Prizes and awards

  • 2018, ChangBaiShan Friendship Award

  • 2017, Excellent Foreign Export of Jilin Province


  • 2019.11- Professor, Department of Chemistry, Fudan University


  • Organic polymer chemistry and supramolecular chemistry

Key Publications

  1. B. Shen, Y. Zhu, Y. Kim, X. Zhou, H. Sun, Z. Lu, M. Lee*, Autonomous Helical Propagation of Active Toroids with Mechanical Action. Nature Commun. 2019, 10, 1080. 

  2. H. Wang, Y. Wang, B. Shen, X. Liu, M. Lee*, Substrate-Driven Transient Self-Assembly and Spontaneous Disassembly directed by Chemical Reaction with Product Release. J. Am. Chem. Soc.2019, 141, 4182–4185.

  3. B. Sun, Y. Kim, Y. Wang, H. Wang, J. Kim, X. Liu, M. Lee*, Homochiral porous nanosheets for enantiomer sieving. Nature Mater. 2018, 17, 599–604.  

  4. Y. Kim, H. Li, Y. He, X. Chen, X. Ma, M. Lee*, Collective helicity switching of a DNA-coat assembly. Nature Nanotech. 2017, 12, 551-556.

  5. Y. Wang, Y. Kim, M. Lee*, Static and Dynamic Nanosheets from Selective Assembly of Geometric Macrocycle Isomers. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2016, 128, 13316–13320.

  6. X. Chen, Y, He, Y. Kim, M. Lee*, Reversible Short α-Helical Peptide Assembly for Controlled Capture and Selective Release of Enantiomers. J. Am. Chem. Soc.2016, 138, 5773−5776.

  7. B. Shen, Y, He, Y. Kim, Y. Wang, M. Lee*, Spontaneous Capture of Carbohydrate Guests through Folding and Zipping of Self-Assembled Ribbons. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 55, 2382–2386.

  8. Z. Huang, S.-K. Kang, N. Banno, T. Yamaguchi, D.-S. Lee, C. Seok, E. Yashima, M. Lee*, Pulsating Tubules from Non-Covalent Macrocycles, Science, 2012, 337, 1521-1526.