Fen-er Chen

Organic Chemistry

Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering,Professor,Doctoral supervisor


Fudan University-DSM Joint Laboratory

86-21- 65643811, 86-21- 65643811


Research Interests

  • Asymmetric Total Synthesis of Natural Products and Drugs

  • Development of Novel Asymmetric Reactions and Their Applications in Chiral Drug Synthesis

  • Molecular Design、Synthesis and Structure-Activity Relationship Studies of Nonnucleoside HIV-1 Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors Base on CADD and Mechanisms

Prizes and awards

  • 2013   Second prize of Shanghai science and Technology Progress Award

  • 2011   Chinese Chemical Society-Sci Finder Award for Creative Work in Synthetic Organic Chemistry

  • 2010   National excellent scientific and technological workers

  • 2009   Ten elites of science and technology in Shanghai

  • 2008   Second prize of Shanghai invention patents

  • 2007   Second prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award

  • 2006   Prize for scientific and technological progress in medical sciences and material medica in Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation

  • 2006   The invention of Chinese entrepreneurship Award

  • 2006   Award for the outstanding Chinese patented invention in world intellectual property organization

  • 2006   Ten staffs of excellence and innovation in Shanghai

  • 2006   Shanghai inventor Award

  • 2005   Wu Yunchu Award for chemical talents incentive fund

  • 2005   Second prize of national technological invention Award

  • 2005   Award for the outstanding Chinese patented invention in world intellectual property organization

  • 2004   First Prize for Ministry of Education Science and Technology Progress Award

  • 2004   First prize for invention patent in Shanghai

  • 2004   China Pharmacy Development Award Outstanding Young Scholar Award

  • 2003   First prize for scientific and technological progress in Shanghai

  • 1993   Special government allowances of the State Council


  • 1996 – 07.1999          Doctor of Organic Chemistry (Ph.D.), College of Chemistry, Sichuan University, China

  • 1985 – 07.1988          Master of Medicinal Chemistry (M.S.), College of Pharmacy, West China of Medical University

  • 1998 -  now              Professor, Department of Chemistry, Fudan University

  • 1996 – 10.1996          visiting scholar, King’s College London

  • 1996 – 03.1998          Professor, Wuhan University of Technology (Wuhan Institute of Chemical Technology)

  • 1995 – 01.1996          visiting scholar, University of Washington

  • 1993 – 12.1995          Associate Professor, Wuhan University of Technology (Wuhan Institute of Chemical Technology)

  • 1988 – 12.1992          lecturer, Wuhan University of Technology (Wuhan Institute of Chemical Technology)

  • 1983 – 08.1985          Pharmacist, First People’s Hospital of Jiujiang City


  • Drugs Synthesis

  • Progress in Medicinal Chemistry

  • Heterocyclic chemistry

  • Fine Organic Chemistry

Key Publications

  1. Chen, F. E.; Huang, J., Reserpine: A challenge for total synthesis of natural products. Chemical Reviews 2005, 105, (12), 4671-4706.

  2. Chen, F. E.; Chen, X. X.; Dai, H. F.; Kuang, Y. Y.; Xie, B.; Zhao, J. F., Synthetic studies on d-biotin, part 8: An efficient chemoenzymatic approach to the asymmetric total synthesis of d-biotin via a polymer-supported PLE-mediated desymmetrization of meso-symmetic dicarboxylic esters. Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis 2005, 347, (4), 549-554.              

  3. Dai, H. F.; Chen, W. X.; Zhao, L.; Xiong, F.; Sheng, H.; Chen, F. E., Synthetic studies on (+)-biotin, Part 11: Application of Cinchona alkaloid-mediated asymmetric alcoholysis of meso-cyclic anhydride in the total synthesis of (+)-biotin. Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis 2008, 350, (10), 1635-1641.

  4. Ji, L.; Chen, F. E.; De Clercq, E.; Balzarini, J.; Pannecouque, C., Synthesis and anti-HIV-1 activity evaluation of 5-alkyl-2-alkylthio-6-(arylcarbonyl or alpha-cyanoarylmethyl)- 3,4-dihydropyrimidin-4(3H)-ones as novel non-nucleoside HIV-1 reverse transcriptase inhibitors. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2007, 50, (8), 1778-1786.             

  5. Zhao, L.; Ma, X. D.; Chen, F. E. Development of Two Scalable Syntheses of 4-Amino-5-aminomethyl-2-methylpyr- imidine: Key Intermediate for Vitamin B1. Organic Process Research & Development 2012,16,57-60             

  6. Huang, J. P.; Chen, X. X.; Gu, S. X.; Zhao, L.; Chen, W. X.; Chen, F. E., An Efficient Method for Removal of Residual Palladium from Organic Solution of Faropenem Sodium in the Pd(II)-Catalyzed Cleavage of Allyl Faropenem. Organic Process Research & Development 2010, 14, (4), 939-941.

  7. Chen, FE. Science-based Drug Design. Huazhong University Press, Wuhan, 1995;            

  8. 8Chen, FE. Organic Drug Synthesis Method. Chinese Medical Science and Technology Press, Beijing, 1998;

  9. Chen, FE. Drug Discovery and Synthesis Methods. People's Health Press, Beijing, 2011.