Song Zhang

Analytical Chemistry

Associated Professor

Room A4004, Chemistry Building, Department of Chemistry, Fudan University 2005 Songhu Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai 200438, China


Research Interests

  • Nanobiosensor, Microfluidic chips, Clinic diagnosis for cancer, Marine chemistry and instruments

Prizes and awards

  • 2003   Fudan University “Shijizhixing”

  • 2004   Fok Ying Tong Education Foundation for Young Teacher


  • 1997~2000      PhD, East China Normal University

  • 1994~1997      M.S., East China Normal University

  • 1990~1994      B.S., East China Normal University

  • 2000~2002      Post-Doctor, Fudan University

  • 2002~ present Associated Professor, Fudan University

  • 2008~2009      Visiting scholar, Ruhr-University-Bochum


  • Graduate students: 《BioinorganicChemistry/ Protein Chemistry》, 《Progress in Bioinorganic Chemistry》

  • Undergraduate students: 《Metals in Biology and Diseases》, 《Research Design and Training 》

Key Publications

  • X.X. Zhang, K.Y. Xiao, L.W. Cheng, H. Chen, B.H. Liu, Song Zhang* and Jilie Kong*. Visual and highly sensitive detection of cancer cells by a colorimetric aptasensor based on cell-triggered cyclic enzymatic signal amplification. Anal. Chem.,DOI: 10.1021/ac501068k.

  • L.W. Cheng, X.X. Zhang, Z.Y. Zhang, H. Chen, Song Zhang* and Jilie Kong*. Multifunctional phenylboronic acid-tagged fluorescent silica nanoparticles via thiol-ene click reaction for imaging sialic acid expressed on living cells. Talanta, 2013,115:823 – 829.

  • Cao, L., L. Cheng, Z. Zhang, Y. Wang, X. Zhang, H. Chen, B. Liu, S. Zhang*, and J. Kong*, Visual and high-throughput detection of cancer cells using a graphene oxide-based FRET aptasensing microfluidic chip.Lab on a chip, 2012. 12(22): p. 4864-9.

  • Song Zhang,* G. Zhou, X. Xu, L. Cao, G. Liang, H. Chen, B. Liu, and J. Kong*, Development of an electrochemical aptamer-based sensor with a sensitive Fe3O4 nanopaticle-redox tag for reagentless protein detection.Electrochem. Comm., 2011. 13(9): p. 928-931.

  • Song Zhang, J. Ding, Y. Liu, J. Kong*, and O. Hofstetter*, Development of a highly enantioselective capacitive immunosensor for the detection of alpha-amino acids.Anal. Chem., 2006. 78(21): p. 7592-7596.