Fan Zhang

Analytical Chemistry


Chemistry Building, Department of Chemistry, Fudan University 2005 Songhu Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai 200438, China


Chemistry Building, Department of Chemistry, Fudan University 2005 Songhu Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai 200438, China


Research Interests

  • Luminescent and magnetic multifunctional nanostructured materials and mesoporous materials for applications in biomedical analysis, drug delivery and cancer therapy

Academic Appointments

  • Editorial board of Nano Biomedicine and Engineering, Science China Chemistry and Chinese Chemical Letters

Prizes and awards

  • The National Outstanding Youth Fund

  • New Century Excellent Talents in University

  • Shanghai Rising-Star

  • Shanghai city science and Technology Progress Award


  • 2005.9-2008.7      Department of chemistry, Fudan University, PhD

  • 2008.9-2010.8      University of California,Santa Barbara, postdoc

  • 2010.8-2013.12    Department of chemistry, Fudan University, Associate Professor

  • 2013.12-present  Department of chemistry, Fudan University, Professor


  • Functional inorganic materials

  • Functional molecular materials and biomaterials

  • Advanced chemical materials change life

Key Publications

  • Li, X. M.; Guo, Z. Z.; Zhao, T. C.; Lu, Y.; Zhou, L.; Zhao, D. Y.; Zhang, F.*, “Epitaxial Seeded Growth of Rare-Earth Nanocrystals with Efficient 800 nm Near-Infrared to 1525 nm Short-Wavelength Infrared Downconversion Photoluminescence for In Vivo Bioimaging” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016. 55, 2464.

  • Zhou, L.; Wang, R.; Li, X. M.; Yao, C.; Wang, C. L.; Zhang, X. Y.; Xu, C. J.; Zeng, A. J.; Zhao, D. Y.; Zhang, F.*, “Single-band upconversion nanoprobes for multiplexed simultaneous in situ molecular mapping of cancer biomarkers” Nat. Commun. 2015. 6, 6938.

  • Li, X. M.; Zhang, F.*, “Lab on upconversion nanoparticles: optical properties and applications engineering via designed nanostructure” Chem. Soc. Rev. 2015. 44, 1346.

  • Li, X. M.; Zhou, L.; Wei, Y.; El-Toni, A. M.; Zhang, F.*; Zhao, D. Y.*, “Anisotropic Encapsulation-Induced Synthesis of Asymmetric Single-Hole Mesoporous Nanocages” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2015. ASAP, doi: 10.1021/jacs.5b03207.

  • Wang, R.; Li, X. M.; Zhou, L.; Zhang, F.*, “Epitaxial Seeded Growth of Rare-Earth Nanocrystals with Efficient 800 nm Near-Infrared to 1525 nm Short-Wavelength Infrared Downconversion Photoluminescence for In Vivo Bioimaging” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2014. 53, 12086

  • Shen, D. K.; Yang, J. P.; Li, X. M.; Zhou, L.; Zhang, R. Y.; Chen, L.; Wang, R.; Zhang, F.*; Zhao, D. Y.*, “Biphase Stratification Approach to Three-Dimensional Dendritic Biodegradable Mesoporous Silica Nanospheres” Nano Lett. 2014. 14(2), 923.

  • Li, X. M.; Wang, R.; Zhang, F.*; Zhao, D.Y.*, “Engineering Homogeneous Doping in Single Nanoparticle To Enhance Upconversion Efficiency” Nano Lett. 2014. 14 (6), 3634.

  • Li, X. M.; Zhou L.; Wei, Y.; El-Toni, A. M.; Zhang, F.*; Zhao, D.Y.*, “Anisotropic Growth-Induced Synthesis of Dual-Compartment Janus Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles for Bimodal Triggered Drugs Delivery” J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2014, 136 (6), 15086.

  • Yao, C.; Wang, P. Y.; Zhou, L.; Wang, R.; Li, X. M.; Zhao, D.Y.; Zhang, F.*, “Highly Biocompatible Zwitterionic Phospholipids Coated Upconversion Nanoparticles for Efficient Bioimaging” Anal. Chem. 2014. 86 (19), 9749.

  • Zhang, F.*; Che, R. C.; Hu, P.; Li, X. M.; Yang, J. P.; Shen, D. K.; Li, W.; Zhao, D. Y.*, “Direct Imaging the Upconversion Nanocrystal Core/Shell Structure at the Subnanometer Level: Shell Thickness Dependence in Upconverting Optical Properties” Nano Lett. 2012.12, 2852.

  • Zhang, F.*; Braun, G. B.; Shi, Y. F.; Pallaoro, A.; Zhang, Y. C.; Reich, N. O.; Moskovits, M.; Zhao, D. Y.; Stucky, G. D.*, “Mesoporous Multifunctional Upconversion Luminescent and Magnetic “Nanorattle” Materials for Targeted Chemotherapy” Nano Lett. 2012. 12, 61.

  • Zhang, F.*; Shi, Q. H.; Zhang, Y. C.; Shi, Y. F.; Ding, K. L.; Zhao, D. Y.; Stucky, G. D.*, “Fluorescence Upconversion Microbarcodes for Multiplexed Biological Detection: Nucleic Acid Encoding” Adv. Mater. 2011. 23, 3775.

  • Zhang, F.*; Braun, G. B.; Shi, Y. F.; Zhang, Y. C.; Sun, X. H.; Reich, N. O.; Zhao, D. Y.; Stucky, G. D.*, “Fabrication of Ag@SiO2@Y2O3:Er Nanostructures for Bioimaging: Tuning of the Upconversion Fluorescence with Silver Nanoparticles” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2010. 132 (9), 2850.