Liang Qiao

Analytical Chemistry


Room A4009, Chemistry Building, Department of Chemistry, Fudan University 2005 Songhu Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai 200438, China


Room A4009, Chemistry Building, Department of Chemistry, Fudan University 2005 Songhu Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai 200438, China


Research Interests

  • Biomass spectrometry, Ambient ionization, Time-of-flight mass analyzer, Ion trap, Microfluidics, Mass spectrometry imaging, Metal-Protein complex

Academic Appointments

  • Assistant Editor, Chemistry Department, De Gruyter Open, Germany

  • Editorial Board Member, Review Editor, Frontiers in Nanotechnology

Prizes and awards

  • 2015, Young overseas high-level talents introduction plan

  • 2013, Swiss Group for Mass Spectrometry (SGMS) student award 2013

  • 2012, Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad

  • 2009, Best Graduate Student Award in Shanghai, China

  • 2002, Chinese Chemistry Olympiad (CChO), Silver Award


  • 2002.09-2006.06        BSc, Department of Chemistry, Fudan University

  • 2006.09-2009.06        Master in Science, Department of Chemistry, Fudan University

  • 2009.07-2013.06        PhD, Institut of Chemical Sciences and Engineering, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

  • 2013.07-2015.08       Scientist, Institut of Chemical Sciences and Engineering, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

  • 2015.09-                    Research Fellow, Department of Chemistry, Fudan University

Key Publications

  • D. Zhang, F. Yin, Q. Qin, L. Qiao*, Molecular Responses During Bacterial Filamentation Reveal Inhibition Methods of Drug Resistant Bacteria, PNAS, 2023, 120, e2301170120

  • Y. Zong, Y. Wang, Y. Yang, D. Zhao, X. Wang, C. Shen, L. Qiao*, DeepFLR Facilitates False Localization Rate Control in Phosphoproteomics, Nature Communications, 2023, 14, 2269

  • Y. Yang#, G. Yan, S. Kong, M. Wu, P. Yang, W. Cao#,*, L. Qiao*, GproDIA enables data-independent acquisition glycoproteomics with comprehensive statistical control, Nature Communications, 2021, 12: 6073

  • Y. Yang, X. Liu, C. Shen, Y. Lin, P. Yang, L. Qiao*, In silico spectral libraries by deep learning facilitate data-independent acquisition proteomics, Nature Communications, 2020, 11: 146

  • R. Zhang, Y. He, J. Yi, L. Zhang, C. Shen, S. Liu, L. Liu, B. Liu, L. Qiao*, Proteomic and Metabolic Elucidation of Solar Powered Biomanufacturing by Bio-Abiotic Hybrid System, Chem, 2020, 6, 234-249

  • E. Wu#, V. Mallawaarachchi#, J. Zhao, Y. Yang, H. Liu, X. Wang, C. Shen, Y. Lin, L. Qiao*, Contigs directed gene annotation (ConDiGA) for accurate protein sequence database construction in metaproteomics, Microbiome, 2024, DOI: 10.1186/s40168-024-01775-3

  • E. Wu, Y. Yang, J. Zhao, J. Zheng, X. Wang, C. Shen, L. Qiao*, High-Abundance Protein-Guided Hybrid Spectral Library for Data-Independent Acquisition Metaproteomics, Analytical Chemistry, 2024, 96, 1029-1037

  • D. Zhang, L. Qiao*, Microfluidics Coupled Mass Spectrometry for Single Cell Multi-Omics, Small Methods, 2024, 8, 2301179

  • Z. Wang, B. Liu, L. Lin*, L. Qiao*, Mass Spectrometry for Mitochondrial Multi-omics, Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 2023, 163, 117063

  • J. Zhao#, Y. Yang#, H. Xu#, J. Zheng, C. Shen, T. Chen, T. Wang, B. Wang, J. Yi, D. Zhao, E. Wu, Q. Qin*, L. Xia*, L. Qiao*, Data-independent acquisition boosts quantitative metaproteomics for deep characterization of gut microbiota, npj Biofilms and Microbiomes, 2023, 9: 4

  • Z. Han, X. Peng, Y. Yang, J. Yi, D. Zhao, Q. Bao, S. Long, S.-X. Yu, X.-X. Xu, B. Liu, Y.-J. Liu, Y. Shen, and L. Qiao*, Integrated Microfluidic-SERS for Exosome Biomarker Profiling and Osteosarcoma Diagnosis, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2022, 217, 114709

  • Y. Dai, C. Li, J. Yi, Q. Qin, B. Liu, L. Qiao*, Plasmonic Colloidosomes Coupled MALDI-TOF MS for Bacterial Heteroresistance Study at Single-Cell Level, Analytical Chemistry, 2020, 92, 8051–8057

  • S. Long#, Y. Yang#, C. Shen, Y. Wang, A. Deng, Q. Qin*, L. Qiao*, Metaproteomics characterizes human gut microbiome function in colorectal cancer, npj Biofilms and Microbiomes, 2020, 6:14

  • D. Zhang, Y. Yang, Q. Qin, J. Xu, B. Wang, J. Chen, B. Liu, W. Zhang*, L. Qiao*, MALDI-TOF Characterization of Protein Expression Mutation During Morphological Changes of Bacteria Under the Impact of Antibiotics, Analytical Chemistry, 2019, 91, 2352-2359

  • L. Qiao, J. Yi, Detection and Analysis of Microorganisms by Mass Spectrometry, Royal Society of Chemistry, DOI:, ISBN: 978-1-83916-763-8