Jie Lei

Analytical Chemistry

Associate professor


Room 332, Chemistry Building, Department of Chemistry, Fudan University 220 Handan Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai 200433, China


Research Interests

  • Mesoporous materials: control synthesis, application in enzyme immobilization and protein adsorption.

  • The synthesis of new stationary phases for chromatography, new chromatographic column.

  • Teaching reform in Instrumental Analysis Experiments

Prizes and awards

  • 2010, Second level prize of Teaching Achievement Award, Fudan University


  • 1999  East China Normal University, Shanghai, China, B.S.

  • 2005  Fudan University, Shanghai, China, M.S.

  • 2013  Fudan University, Shanghai, China, Ph.D.

  • 1999.7-2001.4   School of basic medical sciences, Fudan University. Teaching Assistant

  • 2001.4-2004.6   Department of Chemistry, Fudan University. Teaching Assistant

  • 2004.6-2012.12 Department of Chemistry, Fudan University. Assistant professor

  • 2012.12-           Department of Chemistry, Fudan University. Associate Professor


  • Analytical Chemistry

  • Instrumental Analysis and Physical Chemistry Experiments(I)

  • Experiments of Inorganic Chemistry and Chemical Analysis

  • Advanced Experiment in Analytical Chemistry

Key Publications

  • Fan Jie, Lei Jie, Wang LiMin, Yu ChengZhong, Tu Bo, Zhao DongYuan. Rapid and high-capacity immobilization of enzymes based on mesoporoussilicas with controlled morphologies, Chemical Communications, 2003, 2140-2141.

  • Lei Jie, Fan Jie, Yu Chengzhong, Zhang Luyan, Jiang Shiyi, Tu Bo, Zhao Dongyuan. Immobilization of enzymes in mesoporous materials: controlling the entrance to nanospace, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2004, 73(3): 121-128.

  • 雷杰,余承忠,范杰,闫妍,屠波,赵东元,可用于色谱固定相的介孔氧化硅球材料的合成,化学学报, 2005, 63(8): 739-744.

  • 雷杰,张鲁雁,丁声颂,江世益,余承忠,赵东元,离子交换介孔分子筛DEAE-SBA-15的制备及其用于分离纯化粉尘螨主要变应原Der f 2,高等学校化学学报, 2005, 26(5): 793-796.

  • 雷杰,张晋芬,朱万森,吴性良,高翔,化学计量学-分光光度法测定饮料中的混合色素——推荐一个仪器分析实验,大学化学,2008,23(5): 36-40.

  • 雷杰; 陈刚; 吴性良; 章慧琴; 高翔,可不断融入科研成果的本科开放性化学实验——毛细管区带电泳,实验技术与管理,2009,26(1): 22.

  • 雷杰,高翔,马林,张晋芬,庄继华,加强大学基础化学实验之间联系的尝试,大学化学,2012,27(1): 16-18.

  • Lei Jie, Zhang Xiangmin. Open tubular columns with mixed-mode reversed-phase and weak anion-exchange stationary phase for capillary electrochromatography, Journal of Separation Science, 2013, 36(12): 1996-2002.

  • 唐钢锋,包慧敏,赵滨,朱万森,雷杰﹡,核磁共振法分析酚氨咖敏药片中各组分含量,实验室研究与探索,2014,33(6): 5-7.