Wei Feng

Inorganic Chemistry



Room A5003, Chemistry Building, Department of Chemistry, Fudan University 2005 Songhu Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai 200438, China



Research Interests

  • Controllable synthesis and properties of functional inorganic nanomaterials


  • 2014.1-now: Department of Chemistry, Fudan University, Associate Professor

  • 2011.7-2013.12: Department of Chemistry, Fudan University, Lecturer

  • 2009.7-2011.6: Peking University, Post-Doctor

  • 2004.9-2009.6: Peking University, Doctoral Degree of Science (Chemistry)

  • 2000.9-2004.6: Peking University, Bachelor Degree of Science (Chemistry)


  • Experiments of inorganic chemistry and chemical analysis

  • Experiments of Comprehensive Chemistry

Key Publications

  1. Yongquan Wu, Yun Sun, Xingjun Zhu, Qian Liu, Tianye Cao, Juanjuan Peng, Yang Yang, Wei Feng*, and Fuyou Li*, Lanthanide-based nanocrystals as dual-modal probes for SPECT and X-ray CT imaging, Biomaterials, 2014, 35, 4669-4705.

  2. Xianghong Li, Yongquan Wu, Yi Liu, Xianmei Zou, Liming Yao, Fuyou Li, and Wei Feng*, Cyclometallated Ruthenium Complex-Modified Upconversion Nanophosphors for Selective Detection of Hg2+ Ions in Water, Nanoscale, 2014, 6, 1020-1028.

  3. Wei Feng, Chunmiao Han, and Fuyou Li*, Upconversion nanophosphor-based functional nanocomposites, Adv. Mater., 2013, 25(37), 5287–5303.

  4. Wei Feng, Xingjun Zhu, and Fuyou Li*, Recent advances in the optimization and functionalization of upconversion nanomaterials for in vivo bioapplications, NPG Asia Mater., 2013, 5, e75.

  5. Juanjuan Peng, Lingzhi Zhao, Xinjun Zhu, Yun Sun, Wei Feng*, Liya Wang*, Fuyou Li*, Hollow silica nanoparticles loaded with hydrophobic phthalocyanine for near-infrared photodynamic and photothermal combination therapy, Biomaterials, 2013, 34(32), 7905-7912.

  6. Yang Yang, Yun Sun, Tianye Cao, Juanjuan Peng, Ying Liu, Yongquan Wu, Wei Feng*, Yingjian Zhang, Fuyou Li*, Hydrothermal Synthesis of NaLuF4:153Sm,Yb,Tm Nanoparticles and their Application in Dual-modality Upconversion Luminescence and SPECT Bioimaging, Biomaterials, 2013, 34(3), 774-783.

  7. Yang Yang, Yun Sun, Ying Liu, Juanjuan Peng, Yongquan Wu, Yingjian Zhang, Wei Feng*, and Fuyou Li*, Long-term in vivo biodistribution and toxicity of Gd(OH)3 nanorods, Biomaterials, 2013, 34(2), 508-515.(SCI, 一区,影响因子:7.604).

  8. Liming Yao, Jing Zhou, Jinliang Liu, Wei Feng*, and Fuyou Li*, Iridium Complex-Modified Upconversion Nanophosphors for Effective LRET Detection of Cyanide Anions in Pure Water, Adv. Funct. Mater., 2012, 22(13), 2667-2672.

  9. Ao Xia, Min Chen, Yuan Gao, Dongmei Wu, Wei Feng*, and Fuyou Li*, Gd3+ complex-modified NaLuF4-based upconversion nanophosphors for trimodality imaging of NIR-to-NIR upconversion luminescence, X-Ray computed tomography and magnetic resonance, Biomaterials, 2012, 33, 5394-5405.

  10. Juanjuan Peng, Yun Sun, Qian Liu, Yang Yang, Jing Zhou, Wei Feng*, Xianzhong Zhang, and Fuyou Li*, Upconversion nanoparticles dramatically promote plant growth without toxicity, Nano Res., 2012, 5(11), 770-782.