
2012.09 – 2016.06,复旦大学化学系本科,获得理学学士学位(导师:董安钢教授)
2016.07 – 2022.02,美国威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校化学系博士研究生,获得哲学博士学位(导师:Song Jin教授)
2022.03 – 2024.05,美国加州大学洛杉矶分校化学与生物化学系博士后(导师:Chong Liu教授)
2024.07 – 至今,复旦大学化学系青年研究员,博士生导师
Sheng, H.#*; Sun, J.#; Rodríguez, O.; Hoar, B. B.; Zhang, W.; Xiang, D.; Tang, T.; Hazra, A.; Min, D. S.; Doyle, A. G.; Sigman, M. S.; Costentin, C.; Gu, Q.; Rodríguez-López, J.; Liu, C.*, Autonomous closed-loop mechanistic investigation of molecular electrochemistry via automation. Nat. Commun. 2024, 15, 2781.
Sheng, H.; Janes, A. N.; Ross, R. D.; Hofstetter, H.; Lee, K.; Schmidt, J. R.*; Jin, S.*, Linear paired electrochemical valorization of glycerol enabled by the electro-Fenton process using a stable NiSe2 cathode. Nat. Catal. 2022, 5, 716–725.
Sheng, H.#; Janes, A. N.#; Ross, R. D.; Kaiman, D.; Huang, J.; Song, B.; Schmidt, J. R.*; Jin, S.*, Stable and selective electrosynthesis of hydrogen peroxide and the electro-Fenton process on CoSe2 polymorph catalysts. Energy Environ. Sci. 2020, 13, 4189–4203.
Sheng, H.#; Hermes, E. D.#; Yang, X.#; Ying, D.; Janes, A. N.; Li, W.; Schmidt, J. R.*; Jin, S.*, Electrocatalytic production of H2O2 by selective oxygen reduction using earth-abundant cobalt pyrite (CoS2). ACS Catal. 2019, 9, 8433–8442.
Sheng, H.; Ross, R. D.; Schmidt, J. R.*; Jin, S.*, Metal-compound-based electrocatalysts for hydrogen peroxide electrosynthesis and the electro-Fenton process. ACS Energy Lett. 2023, 8, 196–212. (Review)
Sheng, H.; Liu, C.*, Spatial decoupling boosts CO2 electro-biofixation. Nat. Catal. 2022, 5, 357–358. (News & Views)
Wang, F.#; Sheng, H.#; Li, W.; Gerken, J. B.; Jin, S.*; Stahl, S. S.*, Stable tetrasubstituted quinone redox reservoir for enhancing decoupled hydrogen and oxygen evolution. ACS Energy Lett. 2021, 6, 1533–1539.
Han, X.#; Sheng, H.#; Yu, C.; Walker, T. W.; Huber, G. W.*; Qiu, J.*; Jin, S.*, Electrocatalytic oxidation of glycerol to formic acid by CuCo2O4 spinel oxide nanostructure catalysts. ACS Catal. 2020, 10, 6741–6752.