



  上海市杨浦区淞沪路2005号 复旦大学江湾校区化学楼 A4006室




  • 微流控芯片,生物传感器


  • 2005年9月至2010年7月 复旦大学获得博士学位

  • 2010年8月至2012年6月 复旦大学生物医学研究院, 博士后

  • 2012年7月至今          复旦大学化学系工作,讲师


  • 无机化学与分析化学实验


  • Ji Ji, Nie Lei, Li Yixin, Yang Pengyuan and Liu Baohong, Simultaneous online enrichment and identification of trace species based on microfluidic droplets, Analytical Chemistry, 2013, 85, 9617-9622.

  • Ji Ji, Nie Lei, Qiao Liang, Li Yixin, Guo Liping, Liu Baohong, Yang Pengyuan and Hubert H. Girault, Proteolysis in microfluidic droplets: an approach to interface protein separation and peptide mass spectrometry,Lab on a Chip, 2012,12,2625-2639.

  • Ji Ji, Zhao Yiqing, Guo Liping, Liu Baohong,Ji Changand Yang Pengyuan,Interfacial Organic Synthesis in a Simple Droplet-Based Microfluidic System, Lab on a Chip, 2012, 12, 1373-1377.

  • Ji Ji, Gan Jinrui, Kong Jilie, Yang Pengyuan,Baohong Liu, Ji Chang, Electrochemical Detection of the Activities of Thrombin and Its Inhibitor, Electrochemistry Communications, 2012, 16, 53-56.

  • Ji Ji, Zhang Yahong, Zhou Xiaoqin, Kong Jilie, Tang Yi, Liu Baohong, Enhanced protein digestion through the confinement of nanozeolite-assembled microchip reactors, AnalyticalChemistry, 2008, 80, 2457-2463.

  • Ji Ji, Yang Hui, Liu Yun, Chen Hui, Kong Jilie, Liu Baohong,TiO2-assisted silver enhanced biosensor for kinase activity profiling, Chemical Communications, 2009, 1508-1510.

  • Kun Zhang, Ji Ji, Yixin Li, and Baohong Liu, Interfacial Self-Assembled Functional Nanoparticle Array: A Facile Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Sensor for Specific Detection of Trace Analytes,AnalyticalChemistry, 2014, 86, 6660–6665.

  • Nie Lei, Xu Gguobin, Ji Ji, Liu Qingping, Fan Huizhi, Liu Baohong, Yang Pengyuan. Peptide-tight ESI/MSn analysis with segment of liquid chromatography effluent. Anal. Method2013, 5(13), 3371-3378.

  • Guo Kai, Wang Ying, Chen Hui, Ji Ji, Zhang Song, Kong Jilie, Liu Baohong, An aptamer-SWNT biosensor for sensitive detection of protein via mediated signal transduction, Electrochemistry Communications, 2011, 13, 707-710.

  • Liu Yun, Xue Yan, Ji Ji, Chen Xian, Kong Jilie, Yang Pengyuan , Girault H.H, Liu Baohong, Gold nanoparticle assembly microfluidic reactor for efficient on-line proteolysis, Molecular &Cellular Proteomics, 2007, 6, 1428-1436.