






  • 高等级密度泛函方法开发

  • 偶合簇波函数方法开发

  • 电子结构计算程序高性能并行设计

  • 分子与固体测试集构建与分析

  • 机器深度学习在电子结构方法开发中的应用

  • 基于Rust语言的高性能电子结构程序:Rust-based Electronic Structure Tool (REST)


  • 《物理化学学报》青年编委(2019-至今)

  • 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》青年编委(2021-至今)


  • 2021年,国家自然科学基金委杰出青年科学基金

  • 2019年,教育部自然科学一等奖(密度泛函理论新进展,排名第二)

  • 2018年,第八届中国化学会唐敖庆理论化学青年奖

  • 2017年,国家海外高层次人才引进计划


  • 1999.9-2003.7 厦门大学化学系本科,获得理学学士学位

  • 2003.9-2006.9 厦门大学化学系硕士,获得硕士学士学位

  • 2006.9-2010.12 厦门大学化学系博士,获得博士学士学位

  • 2008.9-2011.6 瑞典皇家理工学院博士,获得博士学士学位

  • 2011.6-2012.5 瑞典皇家理工学院博士后

  • 2012.5-2014.5 德国马普学会弗里茨-哈勃研究所博士后

  • 2014.5-2018.2 德国马普学会弗里茨-哈勃研究所,课题组长

  • 2018.2-2021.12 复旦大学化学系青年研究员

  • 2022-1-至今 复旦大学化学系教授


  • 量子化学原理及应用


  • Book: Igor Ying Zhang, and Xin Xu*, A new generation density functional towards chemical accuracy for chemistry of main group elements, Springer, 2014.

  • Z. Chen, T. Shen, Y. Wang, and  I. Y. Zhang*, Accurate Description of Catalytic Selectivity: Challenges and Opportunities for the Development of Density Functional Approximations, CCS Chemistry, 3, 136-143 (2021).

  • I. Y. Zhang*, and Xin Xu*, Exploring the Limits of the XYG3-Type Doubly Hybrid Approximations for the Main-Group Chemistry: The xDH@B3LYP Model,  J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 12, 2638-2644 (2021).

  • Y. Wang, Y. Li, J. Chen, I. Y. Zhang*, and Xin Xu*, Doubly Hybrid Functionals Close to Chemical Accuracy for Both Finite and Extended Systems: Implementation and Test of XYG3 and XYGJ-OS,  JACS Au., 1, 543-549 (2021).

  •  I. Y. Zhang*, and Xin Xu*, On the Top Rung of Jacob's Ladder of Density Functional Theory: Toward Resolving the Dilemma of SIE and NCE  WIREs Computational Molecular Science, 11, e1490 (2021).

  • Y. Gao*, G. Yin*, I. Y. Zhang*, Y. Tong* et. al., Polyvinylpyrrolidone-Coordinated Single-Site Platinum Catalyst Exhibits High Activity for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction,  Angwe. Chem. Int. Ed., 59, 15902-15907 (2020).

  • I. Y. Zhang, and Xin Xu*, Simultaneous Attenuation of Both Self-Interaction Error and Nondynamic Correlation Error in Density Functional Theory: A Spin-Pair Distinctive Adiabatic-Connection Approximation, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 10, 2617-2623 (2019).

  • T. Shen, Z. Zhu, I. Y. Zhang*, and M. Scheffler, Massive-Parallel Implementation of the Resolution-of-Identity Coupled-Cluster Approaches in the Numeric Atom-Centered Orbital Framework for Molecular Systems, J. Chem. Theory Comput. 15, 4721-4734 (2019).

  • I. Y. Zhang*, P. Rinke, J. P. Perdew, and M. Scheffler, Towards efficient orbital-dependent density functionals for weak and strong correlation, Phys. Rew. Lett., 117, 133002 (2016).

  • I. Y. Zhang*, P. Rinke, and M. Scheffler, Wave-function inspired density functional applied to the H2/H2+ challenge, New J. Phys. 18, 073026 (2016).

  • A. Ihrig*, J. Wieferink, I. Y. Zhang*, M. Ropo, X. Ren, P. Rinke, M. Scheffler, and V. Blum*, Accurate localized resolution of identity approach for linear-scaling hybrid density functionals and for many-body perturbation theory, New J. Phys., 17, 093020 (2015).

  • I. Y. Zhang*, X. Ren, P. Rinke, V. Blum, and M. Scheffler, Numeric Atom-Centered-Orbital Basis Sets with Valence-Correlation Consistency from H to Ar. New J. Phys.  15, 123033 (2013).

  • I. Y. Zhang, and X. Xu*, Long range corrected doubly hybrid density functional approximation to approach uniform accuracy for complex molecular systems, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 4, 1669 (2013).

  • I. Y. Zhang, and X. Xu*, Gas-Phase Thermodynamics as a Validation of Computational Catalysis on Surfaces: A Case Study of Fischer–Tropsch Synthesis, ChemPhysChem 13, 1486. (2012, VIP).

  • I. Y. Zhang, X. Xu*, Y. Jung*, and W. A. Goddard III*, A fast doubly hybrid density functional method close to chemical accuracy: XYGJ-OS, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci, USA, 108, 19896 (2011).

  • I. Y. Zhang, and Xin Xu*, Doubly hybrid density functional for accurate description of nonbond interactions, thermochemistry, and thermochemical kinetics, Int. Rev. Phys. Chem., 30(1)(2011)115-160 (2011, invited contribution).

  • I. Y. Zhang, J. Wu, and X. Xu*, Extending the reliability and applicability of B3LYP, Chem. Comm. 46, 3057 (2010, Feature article).

  • Y. Zhang, X. Xu*, and W. A. Goddard III*, Doubly Hybrid Density Functional for Accurate Descriptions of Nonbond Interactions, Thermochemistry, and Thermochemical Kinetics, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci, USA, 106, 4963 (2009).

  • Y. Zhang, A. Wu, X. Xu, and Y. Yan, OPBE: A promising density functional for the calculation of nuclear shielding constants, Chem. Phys. Letters, 421, 383 (2006).