
上海市杨浦区淞沪路2005号 复旦大学江湾校区化学楼 A2018室
1983年9月至1987年7月 复旦大学学校获得学士学位
1987年9月至1990年7月 复旦大学学校获得硕士学位
1990年9月至1993年7月 复旦大学学校获得博士学位
1993年8月至1995年9月 复旦大学化学系工作,讲师
1999年7月至2000年12月美国University of Oklahoma, Research Associate
2001年1月至2006年10月 美国Excellatron Solid State LLC, Senior Research Scientist
Xiujing Lin, Yesheng Shang, Tao Huang*, Aishui Yu*, Carbon-free (Co, Mn)3O4 nanowires@Ni electrodes for Lithium-oxygen batteries, Nanoscale, 2014, 6, 9043-9049.
Fe doped Li1.2Mn0.6-x/2Ni0.2-x/2FexO2 (x≤0.1) as cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries, Xiaoyu Liu, Tao Huang, Aishui Yu∗,Electrochimica Acta, 2014, 133, 555–563
Binder-free phenyl sulfonated graphene/sulfur electrodes with excellent cyclability for lithium sulfur batteries, Lan Zhou, Xiujing Lin, Tao Huang* and Aishui Yu*, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2014, 2 (14), 5117 – 5123
Carbon-free (Co, Mn)3O4 nanowires@Ni electrodes for Lithium-oxygen batteries, Xiujing Lin, Yesheng Shang, Tao Huang*, Aishui Yu*, Nanoscale, 2014, 6, 9043-9049
Facile synthesis of trimetallic Cu1Au0.15Pd1.5/C catalyst for ethanol oxidation with superior activity and stability, Han Mao, Tao Huang* and Ai-shui Yu*, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2014, 2 (39), 16378 – 16380
Carbon coated TiO2-SiO2 nanocomposites with high grain boundary density as anode materials for lithium-ion batteries, Jingjing Zhang, Zhen Wei, Tao Huang, Zhao-Lin Liu* and Ai-Shui Yu*, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2013, 1, 7360–7369
Rapid synthesis of porous Pd and PdNi catalysts using hydrogen bubble dynamic template and their enhanced catalytic performance for methanol electrooxidation, Ruoshi Li, Jingjing Zhang, Han Mao, Tao Huang*, Aishui Yu*,Journal of Power Sources, 2013, 241, 660-667
Synthesis of nano-sized LiMnPO4 and in situ carbon coating using a solvothermal method, Jiali Liu, Xiaoyu Liu, Tao Huang, Aishui Yu*Journal of Power Sources, 2013, 29, 203-209
Binder-free nitrogen-doped carbon nanotubes electrodes for lithium-oxygen batteries, Xiujing Lin, Xu Lu, Tao Huang, Zhaolin Liu*, Aishui Yu*, Journal of Power Sources, 2013, 242, 855-859
Design and synthesis of Cu6Sn5-coated TiO2 nanotube arrays as anode material for lithium ion batteries, Leigang Xue, Zhen Wei, Ruoshi Li, Jiali Liu, Tao Huang and Aishui Yu*, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2011, 21, 3216-3220
Polarization of Oxygen Electrode in Rechargeable Lithium Oxygen Batteries, Deng Zhang, Zhenghao Fu, Zhen Wei, Tao Huang and Aishui Yu*, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2010, 157, 3, A362-A365