



上海市杨浦区淞沪路2005号 复旦大学江湾校区化学楼 A3001室








  • 2013年国家优秀青年基金;

  • 2011年原分所助理研究人员年度最佳论文奖;

  • 2006年欧盟居里夫人奖学金;


  • 2002年9月至2009年7月     中科院大连化学物理研究所获得博士学位

  • 2006年10月至2008年10月   希腊电子结构与激光研究所,博士研究

  • 2009年8月至2013年1月     台北中研院原子与分子科学研究所,博士后研究助理

  • 2013年1月至今            复旦大学化学系,研究员


  • 物理化学(动力学)


  • Wang, Fengyan, Lin, Jui-San, Liu, Kopin. How to measure a complete set of polarization- dependent differential cross sections in a scattering experiment with aligned reagents? J. Chem.Phys., 140, 084202 (2014).

  • Liu, R. Wang, F. Jiang, B. Czako, G. Yang, M. Liu, K. Guo, H. Rotational mode specificity in the Cl + CHD3 --> HCl + CD3 reaction. J. Chem.Phys., 141, 074310 (2014).

  • Fengyan Wang, Jui-san Lin, Yuan Cheng, Kopin Liu, Vibrational enhancement factor of the Cl+CHD3 (ν1=1) reaction: rotational-probe effects, J.Phys.Chem. Lett, 4,323 (2013).

  • Fengyan Wang, Kopin Liu, Imaging the effects of bend-excitation in the F + CD4 (vb=0, 1) DF(v)+CD3(v2=1, 2) reactions, J.Phys.Chem. A, 117, 8536 (2013).

  • Wang, F., Lipciuc, M. L.Kartakoullis, A.Glodic, P., Samartzis, P. C.,Yang, X., Kitsopoulos, T. N., Slice imaging of methyl bromide photofragmentation at 193 nm, Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys., 16, 599 (2013).

  • Fengyan Wang, Kopin Liu, Steric Effects in the Cl+CHD3(v1=1) Reaction, Chi.J. Chem.Phys., 26, 705 (2013).

  • Fengyan Wang, Kopin Liu, T.Peter.Rakitzis, Revealing the stereospecific chemistry of the reaction of Cl with aligned CHD3(v1=1), Nature Chemistry, 4, 636 (2012). Featured in Science’s Editor’s choice(Science: 337, 778).

  • Fengyan Wang, Jui-San Lin, Kopin Liu, Steric control of the reaction of CH stretch-excited CHD3 with chlorine atom, Science, 331, 900 (2011).

  • Fengyan Wang, Kopin Liu, Experimental signatures for a resonance-mediated reaction of bend-excited CD4 (νb=1) with fluorine atom, J.Phys.Chem. Lett, 2,1421 (2011).

  • Fengyan Wang, Kopin Liu, Enlarging the reactive cone of acceptance by exciting the C–H bond in the O(3P) + CHD3 reaction, Chemical Science, 1,126 (2010).