
上海市杨浦区淞沪路2005号 复旦大学江湾校区化学楼 A2007室
1980.10-1984.6 复旦大学化学系本科,获得理学学士学位
1984.6-1989.6 复旦大学化学系助教
1989.6-1990.6 英国伦敦帝国理工学院化学系访问学者
1990.7-1993.9 英国剑桥大学化学系研究生,获得理学博士学位
1993.10-1997.7 英国剑桥大学化学系固体核磁共振实验室Manager
1997.8-2000.3 英国利物浦大学化学系Leverhulme催化中心Principal Scientist
2000.4起 复旦大学化学系教授
Y.N. Wu, Y.Z. Wang, D.F. Huang, H.X. Ding, Y.H. Ren, Y. Zhang, B. Yue, H.Y. He, L. Ye. Direct quantification of oxygen vacancy on the TiO2 surface by 31P solid-state NMR. Chem Catal. 3, 100556 (2023).
Q.Y. Yao, L. Zhang, D.F. Huang, H.X. Ding, Y.H. Ren, X.Y. Chen, B. Yue, H.Y. He. MAS NMR studies on the formation and structure of oxygen vacancy on CeO2 surface under reducing atmosphere. J. Phys. Chem. C 127, 13021-13033 (2023).
X.K. Yang, H.X. Ding, Y.H. Ren, Y.K. Kang, Y.F. Li, Z.H. Li, B. Yue, H.Y. He, X.Y. Chen. Facet-dependent catalytic activity of shape-controllable palladium nanocrystals with clean surface in acetophenone selective hydrogenation. J. Catal. 428, 115159 (2023).
Q.Y. Yao, H.X. Ding, L. Zhang, W.H. Feng, J.W. Zhang, Y.H. Ren, L. Ye, X.Y. Chen, B. Yue, H.Y. He. MAS NMR studies on the formation and structure of oxygen vacancy on CeO2 {111} surface under reducing atmosphere. J. Phys. Chem. C 128, 9962-9972 (2024).
J.F. Zhou, Y.T. Miao, H.X. Ding, Y.H. Ren, L. Ye, B. Yue, H.Y. He. Direct and stable hydrogenation of CO2 to aromatics over a tandem catalyst Zn0.1Ti0.9Ox/HZSM-5. iScience, 24, 110360 (2024).
L. Z., J.J. Su, C. Liu, S. Liu, H.B. Zhou, W.Q. Jiao, Y.F. Hu, F. Xiong, Y.Q. Lu, Y.C. Ye, X.S. Zheng, Y.D. Wang, H.Y. He. Surface self-cleaning effect of bifunctional catalyst to boost the high yield production of aromatics directly from syngas. ACS Catal. 14, 8972-8982 (2024).
J.W. Zhang, H.X. Ding, H.H. Hui, Q.Y. Yao, W.H. Feng, T.X. Chen, T.W.B. Lo, Y.H. Ren, L. Ye, B. Yue, H.Y. He. Confined Cu single sites in ZSM-5 for photocatalytic hydroxylation of benzene to phenol. Small DOI10.1002/smll.202405150 (2024).
X. Chen, D.F. Huang, L.L. He, L. Zhang, Y.H. Ren, X.Y. Chen, B. Yue, H.Y. He. The effect of adsorbed water molecules on the surface acidity of niobium and tantalum oxides studied by MAS NMR. J. Phys. Chem. C. 125, 9330-9341 (2021).
C. Liu, J.J. Su, S. Liu, H.B. Zhou, X.H. Yuan, Y.C. Ye, Y. Wang, W.Q. Jiao, L. Zhang, Y.Q. Lu, Y.D. Wang, H.Y. He, Z.K. Xie. Insights into the key factor of zeolite morphology on selective conversion of syngas to light aromatics over Cr2O3/ZSM-5 catalyst. ACS Catal. 10, 15227-15237 (2020).
J.F. Zhou, L. Ye, D.F. Huang, M.Y. Wang, Y.H. Ren, B. Yue, H.Y. He. The synergy of modulated surface polarity and oxygen vacancy for CO2 to methanol over Zn(δ−)-Ti(δ+)Ovacancy. J. Energy Chem. 56, 449-454 (2020).
Y.N. Wu, X. Chen, D.F. Huang, L. Zhang, Y.H. Ren, G.F. Tang, X.Y. Chen, B. Yue, H.Y. He. The study on acidity of sulfated CuO layers grown by surface reconstruction of Cu2O exposed with specific facets. Catal. Sci. & Techno. 10, 3985-3993 (2020).
X. Li, Y.H. Ren, Z.W. Weng, B. Yue, H.Y. He. Stabilization of high-valent Cu3+ in a Keggin-type polyoxometalate. Chem. Commun. 56, 2324-2327 (2020).
X.Y. Gao, X.Y. Chen, Z.H. Li, H.Y, He. Direct synthesis of in-situ chirally modified palladium nanocrystals without capping agents and their application in heterogeneous enantioselective hydrogenations. ACS Catal. 9, 6100-6110 (2019).
Y.Y. Fu, L. Zhang, B. Yue, X.Y. Chen, H.Y. He. Simultaneous characterization of solid acidity and basicity of metal oxide catalysts via solid state NMR technique. J. Phys. Chem. C 122, 24094-24102 (2018).
N. Su, X.Y. Gao, X.Y. Chen, B. Yue, H.Y. He. The enantioselective hydrogenation of acetophenone over Pd concave tetrahedron nanocrystals affected by the residual adsorbed capping agent polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP). J. Catal. 367, 244-251 (2018).